The Altruists
by Nicky Silver
produced by TheatreLAB, The Basement, 2015
Michael Jarrett, Lighting Design; Daniel Allen, Scenic Design; Maggie McGrann, Costume Design;
McLean Jesse as Sydney; Chandler Hubbard as Ronald; Evan Nasteff as Ethan; Morgan Meadows as Cybil; Joshua Guiterrez as Lance
winner of the Richmond Theatre Critics Circle Ernie McClintock Ensemble Award, 2015
"Review: TheatreLab's 'The Altruists': Humor and energy carries latest play at TheatreLab" Style Weekly Magazine
"Director K.B. Saine [sic] has whipped her cast into fighting form, and the show bounces to each new scene with near manic energy."
"Theatre Lab's The Altruists is nearly perfect" GayRVA
"The Altruists is brilliant, magic theater."
Theatre review: 'The Altruists' Richmond Times-Dispatch
"director kb saine expertly whipsaws Silver’s narrative across Daniel Allen’s three-bed set in The Basement, TheatreLAB’s raw and unblinking performance space"
"Great Ensemble Rocks The Altruists for TheatreLAB" Mondo Johnny (blog posts of WCVE [NPR affiliate] critic John Porter)
"This is an ensemble play, and director kb saine has returned to Richmond and put together a killer ensemble."
a blog post for TheatreLAB by kb:!The-Altruists-why-this-why-here-why-now/coc4/55ae48c60cf22effe2e1d5dd