by Suzan-Lori Parks, produced at Sycamore Rouge in February/March 2012
Karim Badwan, Lighting Design; kb saine, Scenic Design; Margarette Joyner, Costume Design; Philip Milone, Technical Director
Ronnie Brown as Booth; Delvin Young as Lincoln
video clips:
"Dog Eat Dog," Style Weekly
"Director kb saine has smoothed out some of the awkward edges of Suzan-Lori Parks' celebrated but thorny script. She's also cast two of the area's most charismatic actors to portray brothers whose lives are a jumble of hustling, heartache and betrayal. ... With its slow-building intensity and devastating crescendo, "Topdog" shows Sycamore Rouge at the top of its game."
(review is no longer available online)
"Sycamore Rouge Play Deals With Life," Petersburg Progress-Index
"Artistic director kb saine is to be commended for expertly directing and taking on such a difficult task, capturing these complex and conflicted brothers and bringing them to life."
"Topdog/Underdog at Sycamore Rouge", Mondo Johnny
"Director kb saine has the advantage of a superior cast and a perfect environment in which to stage her production."
"Topdog/Underdog: An American Cain and Abel Story", Urban Views Weekly